
Friday, April 19, 2013

Making Lemonade

Okay, so maybe we aren't making lemonade. But since God gave us 8" of snow in the middle of April, rather than a bag of lemons, we are trying to make the best of it!

Those of you in MN, or other snowy areas can relate when I say that we are sick of snow! 

This winter has been long enough and we are truly ready to get seeds sewn for our produce garden! Bring on those home grown tomatoes!

Squirrel and I decided to get out today to play in this snow which won't last long (hopefully). 

The snow was nice and sticky, perfect for snowmen and forts! 

This is actually his first snowman! Not bad, eh?

He posed for this one all on his own, it made me chuckle a little when he crossed his feet.

When we finished the snowman he hugged it and said "I love you, Snowman!".

We then started our fort!

Being the Backyardigans fans that we are Jackson said the snowfort needed a window and stairs. While I wasn't so sure stairs could work, I did make a window for him!

The semi-finished fort is taller than he is. But since Bug was asleep I decided it was time to go in. Squirrel was not too happy, but I told him daddy could come out to help him finish it when he gets home from work.

It was almost the perfect day for snow play, the wind made it a bit chilly.

But we had fun! 

Now Squirrel is enjoying a bowl of warm oatmeal, unfortunately we are out of hot cocoa.

Have you done anything to make the most of our April snow showers?

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