
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Making Tracks Painting Activity

This one is fairly simple.

What you need:
-Cars with different patterned/sized wheels (easy to wash, my favorite was the Duplo car).
-Tempra paints
-Washable surface (we use plastic placemats) or newspaper

1. Squeeze paint onto washable surface (we used red, blue, yellow).
2. Let child drive his cars through the paint.
3. Drive cars on the paper.

When your child has finished you can:

Explore the different textures and sizes of the tracks made.
Talk about the new colors formed from red, yellow and blue. 
Discuss the shapes/patterns found in the painting; 'X', 'T', square, triangle, rectangle.

Have you tried this craft with your child? Would you?


  1. What a fun idea. I just need to get brave enough to get out the paints!

  2. Neat idea...I'll have to tell my dil about this so she can do it with her two boys!

  3. A friend of mine posted this activity shortly after our daughter was born. It was the perfect thing to keep our toddler busy while I was nursing his sister!

  4. This is such a FUN painting activity! I will have to try this!

  5. LO has major issues with paint getting on his hands. I love this idea, because he would be able to paint without a major meltdown. Thanks for the idea.

  6. I think I would have my kid do this in her underwear to minimize the mess!

  7. Kids love this stuff cause its so fun

    sibabe64 at ptd dot net
