
Sunday, September 1, 2013

Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil Giveaway #readytopop

We've decided to celebrate Labor Day this year in a totally fun way – by celebrating those Mamas and Babies who have done some of the hardest labor out there!  Welcome to the Ready to POP! {a Labor Day Giveaway Hop} hosted by So Easy Being Green, According to Jenny, and Viva Veltoro!

Each blogger in this Hop has a fabulous Mama or Baby prize for you to enter to win – so be sure to hop around to them all, including the Grand Prize!

Just Me and the Boys has partnered with Tropical Traditions to offer one lucky reader a 32 oz. jar of their famous Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.

This product is great for the pregnant mama, the postpartum mama and her newborn baby. I include coconut oil in all my gift packages at baby showers. Mama can use this on her stretching belly to moisturize, soothe itch and hopefully reduce the chance of stretch marks. Just as it is good for the stretching belly, it is also good for the postpartum belly (as well as the rest of the body).

More importantly it is the best moisturizer for your newborn baby. Newborns have a hard time regulating their body temperature. Lotions are cooling and can lower your baby's body temperature, where as oils are warming.  Sure, there are commercial baby oils out there, but many aren't natural and contain chemicals. Coconut oil also works great as a diaper rash cream and is safe to use with cloth diapers!

Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil is certified organic, chemical free and traditionally made.
Learn more about Virgin Coconut Oil here and check out all the other uses for this product!

Check out my full review of Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil here.

Enter on the Giveaway Tools form below for your chance to win!

Ready to POP! Grand Prize

Now, be sure to hop over to enter to win the amazing Grand Prize for Ready to POP!  

One lucky reader is going to win an adorable 2 Red Hens Diaper Bag, a fabulous set of Buttons Diapers – an All-in-Two Cloth Diapers System, and an absoutely beautiful CatBirdBaby Pikkolo Baby Carrier! 

What are you waiting for!?  Go Enter Now!

According to Jenny, Viva Veltoro, So Easy Being Green, the Blogging Mamas Network, Just Me and the Boys and the other Ready to POP! participating bloggers are not responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill prize obligations.


  1. I learned you used Coconut oil to replace those chemical creams and is completely natural. What a great idea!

  2. Unlike lotions which have a cooling affect, coconut oil, like other oils, actually have a warming affect


  3. I learned coconut oil has a warming effect which makes it easier for a newborn to regulate their temperature.

  4. I learned that it has many uses other then to just bake or fry with!

  5. It is natural, but doesn't leave the 'oily' residue that other oils leave behind

  6. I learned that it is solid at room temperature.

  7. I learned you can use it as a diaper cream with cloht diapers

  8. I learned that coconut oil has a warming affect when used but most other lotions have a cooling affect!
    jbang0331 at yahoo dot com

  9. It is awesome as a moisturizer for your baby.

  10. I didn't know you could put it on baby! I just recently started using coconut oil (to make deodorant and in my cooking).

  11. I learned that coconut oil is a great moisturizer for a newborn baby.

  12. I like that there are so many ways to use it, on skin and to cook with!

  13. I learned that you can use it for frying, as well as hundreds of other uses.

  14. I learned that Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil tastes wonderful in brownies and that you have the cutest kids!

  15. I would have never thought to use coconut oil in brownies. Sounds yummy!

  16. I use this to clean my face... And I plan on cloth diapering when baby is born... Hadn't been told about coconut oil for diaper rash! Makes sense to me though :)

  17. that its natural, cloth diaper safe, you can use it on every inch of your body! you can even cook with it!

  18. i learned that it can be used on stretch marks! awesome

  19. I did not know you could use it with cloth diapers?! Where have I been? :)

  20. Love your site! Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. I learned it has more uses than just cooking.

  22. I learned that it has a warming effect as a moisturizer!

  23. I didn't know lotions can lower temp and oils can warm a babies temp. Thanks--JessicaC

  24. Wow---Coconut oil works to replace chemical diaper creams. Awesome.
    bethelderton59 at gmail dot com

  25. I learned that Tropical Traditions coconut oil is hand crafted in small batches by family producers.

  26. I learned that coconut oil is great for babies!

  27. I didn't realize that different types of coconut oil existed with some having the taste of coconut & some not having the taste.

  28. i can use it on my daughters bum!!! thats awesome!

  29. you can sub it for veggie oil in recipes - love the brownies idea!

  30. I di not know coconut oil could be used as a diaper cream! I knew it was great for cooking and I already use it on my hair.

  31. Use coconut oil to cook popcorn, gives it the best flavor.

  32. It is natural, but doesn't leave the 'oily' residue that other oil leave behind.

  33. I learned you can use coconut oil has a warming effect when used as a lotion, unlike other commercial lotions.

  34. Coconut has a warming effect when used as a moisturizer! Pretty neat.
    Michelle Tucker

  35. It is liquid when 77 degrees or higher.

  36. Didn't know about it being used for diaper rash! I use it as a moisturizer already on myself but it is good to know about baby bums for the future!

  37. It is great for cooking, skin, reducing stretch marks, and cloth diapering!

    -Alyssa P

  38. I learned that coconut oil is a great moisturizer for a newborn baby.
