
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Pregnancy Update {29 Weeks}

Oh my gosh. Feeling bigger and bigger everyday! How can I still have 11 (ish) weeks to go?! I am going to have to find some new shirts! As you can see in the photo above, my belly is starting to play "peek-a-boo" out the bottom of my shirts. If you look close enough, you can also see my belly button, which popped at 12 weeks or so... didn't pop at all with my previous pregnancies. 

According to my "I'm Expecting" app, at 29 weeks baby is roughly 2.5 lbs and about the size of a butternut squash. 

Heart rate has been in the 140's for the last month. Baby is head down and my vitals have all been in a good range. 

She (I still have a hard time saying that) is moving constantly. The other day when I was driving she was moving so much I would describe the feeling as ticklish!  

The best news since my last update (besides the baby doing well) is that I no longer have to take the progesterone shots! This is a huge relief for me. They were getting more an more painful with each shot, my body wasn't getting the chance to recover between them. I do have some nerve damage in my left hip, which has left a numb zone below the injection site. From the research I have done, this is fairly common. Unfortunate, but common. Happy my progesterone levels are now right were they should be.

The second trimester was easy and just comfortable, didn't really have any complaints.

I am now in the third trimester and I am starting to get physically uncomfortable. Sitting in one position for a long (or short period) of time is becoming difficult. We recently signed up for a family pass to our local community center. This has given me the chance to get some cardio in which seems to really help. I am much more comfortable when walking/standing. I've been enjoying the increased level of energy I get after spending some time on the elliptical. Now if I'd only pull through on my off days with some leg and arm exercises! 

This brings me to weight gain. I have gained 24 lbs already. I was doing really well with my eating habits, but lately I have been quite a bit more relaxed. I cave easily to chocolate and sugar. I think I just need to keep those things out of my house. I am hoping to gain no more than 35 lbs this pregnancy, which is about what I gained with Bug. I felt like that was a reasonable amount of weight to gain and I actually dropped below pre-pregnancy weight while still nursing. 

The heartburn has started to come back. I don't usually take anything for it, but I found a sample I got from Earth Mama Angle Baby of their Heartburn Tea. It has a great flavor and actually took care of the heartburn! 

The boys love on my belly all the time. They actually refer to my belly as "baby tummy". Bug (2 years) came up with that name and Squirrel (4 years) follows along. They constantly want to see "baby tummy" and give kisses, pats, and in Bug's case, hits. Trying to teach that boy "gentle" has been tough. I will have to work hard on that the next couple months!  Squirrel likes to feel for the baby, he gets excited when she is moving around. 

I have had a lot of people ask if I am having a baby shower. I don't feel it is necessary with subsequent children. We have everything we need. The only thing we'll be collecting over the next few months are clothes. Some friends have lent us clothes, others have been buying clothes for us and I am gearing up for garage sales! 

Are you pregnant? How far along? How are you feeling?


  1. Gosh, you're too cute. Its always fun reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!! :) By the way, will there be any changes to "just me and the boys" (not sure if you've addressed this in earlier posts)?

    1. Thanks Chelsey! I'm glad you enjoy it! As of right now, I don't think I'll be making any name changes. I for sure wouldn't do anything before she is born, just in case she isn't really a she. But I also like the name and have built my blog upon it, I wouldn't want to start all over.

  2. Candy and chocolate were my biggest cravings during my pregnancies! (I was never a big fan of sweets pre pregnancy) And unfortunately it's continued after...
    I'm glad to hear you are done with the progesterone shots!
